ESGE Barcelona 2-5 April 2025

April 2nd-5th, 2025
Barcelona, Spain

Terms and conditions:

I accept the invitation of Dr. Falk Pharma Benelux B.V. for this congress and the terms and conditions raised in the invitation letter. I also accept that the contribution to the cost of registration fees and accommodation expenses will be disclosed on the transparency register on an individual and nominative base during the next calendar year.
In the frame of the law on the General Data Protection (GDPR) I herewith give Dr Falk Pharma Benelux B.V. written consent to use my personal data for the exclusive purpose of the above mentioned congress for such period as needed. I accept that my name is published on the participants overview list, which concerns this specific congress, and is only visible to other Falk Benelux participants.

After registration and payment you will receive an email confirmation with the request to send us a copy of your id/passport to

Cancellation policy :

  • in case of cancellation between 1 month and 2 weeks before the event, 50 percent of the overall costs will be charged.
  • in case of cancellation from 2 weeks before the event, 100 percent of the overall costs will be charged.